That works!  Thank you.

Mike Feimster wrote:
> Jim,
> Edit the .hhp file in a text editor, add draft.jpg to the files section,
> and then compile in HTML Help Workshop. 
> Mike
> -----Original Message-----
> From: framers-bounces at
> [mailto:framers-bounces at] On Behalf Of Jim Owens
> Sent: Monday, July 06, 2009 3:51 PM
> To: framers at; framers at
> Subject: Re: Mif2Go: adding watermark to CHM
> (an update - also posting to Omsys list)
> When I compile the HTML files from HTML Help Workshop:
> - if a single topic has a <body background="draft.jpg"> markup, then in 
> the CHM, that topic has the background image, tiled, and all the other 
> topics have the background image, non-tiled and centred as specified in 
> the CSS file.
> - if no topics have a <body background="draft.jpg"> markup, then the CHM
> does not have any background images, even though the CSS specifies one.
> Fully repeatable, and at this point Mif2Go is not involved. Have I 
> discovered a new Help Compiler bug, or is there still something I'm
> missing?
> Jim Owens wrote:
>> I'm trying to add a "draft" watermark to our CHM output.
>> Following the CSS method described in the Mif2GO documentation
> (Section 
>> 22.11), I've succeeded in adding a watermark to the HTML files, as 
>> viewed in Internet Explorer. However, the watermark does not appear in
>> the CHM topics.
>> A quick Internet search turns up nothing about this. What am I
> missing?
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