On Mon, 06 Jul 2009 15:50:40 -0400, Jim Owens <jowens at magma.ca> wrote:

>When I compile the HTML files from HTML Help Workshop:
>- if a single topic has a <body background="draft.jpg"> markup, then in 
>the CHM, that topic has the background image, tiled, and all the other 
>topics have the background image, non-tiled and centred as specified in 
>the CSS file.
>- if no topics have a <body background="draft.jpg"> markup, then the CHM 
>does not have any background images, even though the CSS specifies one.
>Fully repeatable, and at this point Mif2Go is not involved. Have I 
>discovered a new Help Compiler bug, or is there still something I'm missing?

It's a Help Compiler feature, not a bug.  ;-)

The watermark only show up when you mention the graphic in a
topic because otherwise the compiler doesn't know it's part of
the project, and doesn't include it in the CHM.  (The compiler
can't parse the CSS to find it.)  But when you do mention it, 
that overrides the CSS for that file.

So *don't* mention it in any topic, but *do* include it by name 
in the [Files] section of the .hhp.  Easy one.  ;-)

-- Jeremy H. Griffith, at Omni Systems Inc.
  <jeremy at omsys.com>  http://www.omsys.com/

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