I am running FM 7.2 on Windows XP Pro, fully patched.

I have a book containing 11 *.fm files. I have edited the book innumerable
times without any problem.

Tonight, all seems well until I run Edit > Update Book. The console then

"Cannot save one or more files in the book. Open each file on the desktop.
Check the permissions of the file on the disk, and then save the file
manually. Couldn't save: <list of *.fm files>" 

When I check in the Windows Explorer, I find that the listed *.fm files have
been deleted from the disk. They are not hidden, and they are not in the
Recycle Bin. They are gone.

The precise *.fm files in the list vary from attempt to attempt.
Approximately four of the files appear more often than the others.

I have rebooted, restored backups, checked read/write permissions, moved the
directory, recreated the *.book file, and removed and restored *.fm files in
the *.book file. Nothing helps.

Naturally, this is occurring just before my deadline.

Any ideas?

David Shaked (Wernick)

AlmondWeb Ltd.
Technical Documentation * Web Development * Word and WebWorks Consultants

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