Thanks to all who replied online and offline. The problem is now solved.

For the benefit of others who might encounter a similar problem, it might be
worth explaining the solution.

The FM files are stored in a source-control system. For OS compatibility
reasons, I had FrameMaker 7.2  and my local copy of the FM files on a
virtual disk managed by Microsoft Virtual PC. When I moved the files to a
physical disk, the problem disappeared. Likewise, the problem disappeared
when I left the files on the virtual disk and compacted the disk.

It seems possible that the problem was caused by disk corruption. I can't be
sure of this, however. In all other respects, the virtual disk worked fine.
The disk passed diagnostic tests without error. 

I have worked in FrameMaker in the virtual environment for approximately two
years with no previous problem. At regular intervals, I defragment the
physical disk and the virtual disk, and I compact the virtual disk.

In any event, I moved my local workspace to the physical disk, and all is
well. FrameMaker remains on the virtual disk.

David Shaked (Wernick)

AlmondWeb Ltd.
Technical Documentation * Web Development * Word and WebWorks Consultants

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