Thanks for all the feedback, everyone. I was very careful to purge all
of the old styles from the template, so I think what I need to do now it
get the CleanImport utility that several people have recommended.

Thanks for your help!

Nina Rogers


From: Les Smalley [] 
Sent: Thursday, October 15, 2009 5:32 PM
To: Art Campbell; Nina Rogers; RichardCombs
Cc: framers at
Subject: RE: Old styles being picked up

Maybe I'm reading Nina's original message slightly differently than
others are, but to me it was NOT clear that the old styles have been
purged from the documents, just that new formats were created and
carefully applied to files' content so that the obsolete formats were
not used anywhere.  If this is incorrect, then just hit delete now as
the remainder of this doesn't apply.

If my interpretation is correct, that's a huge source for potential
problems and can explain how some of the recent edits by the new writer
have resulted in these "obsolete" formats reappearing.

The solution, as I see it is to take an existing document (template)
with the desired styles, and be absolutely sure to purge all unwanted
info: formats for paragraphs and character ranges, cross-reference
styles, table definitions, color options, master and reference pages,

Once you have a true, clean template, then you have a basis to use the
CleanImport utility on the documents, or using only Frame itself, open a
virgin document from the template and cut & paste content from a "bad"
file, reapply the new desired formats as necessary, and then save as the
desired document.

- Les Smalley

--- On Thu, 10/15/09, Combs, Richard <richard.combs at> wrote:

Art Campbell wrote:

> I use CleanImport from to purge the existing catalogs
> before importing the valid set.

I'll second the recommendation of CleanImport -- a very useful tool,
worth far more than its modest price. 

But I don't understand how formats that don't exist in Nina's documents
suddenly appear in those documents when her new associate opens them. Or
where they come from when he creates a document based on a template in
which they don't exist. 

I think I'd want to watch very closely as the new writer opens a
document. :-)

Richard G. Combs
Senior Technical Writer
Polycom, Inc.
richardDOTcombs AT polycomDOTcom
rgcombs AT gmailDOTcom

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