Thanks for the quick responses,
MyBad, and ignorance for the lack of detail - sorry!

> Service Pack 3 of what? Windows XP? Vista? And what does Internet
Explorer have to do with this? 
Windows XP. FM 7.0

> What leads you to believe that FM 7 will have a problem? (I assume
"SP2" is a typo and you meant "SP3," but again, of what?)
Our IT department made the suggestion - someone using FM 7.0 on XP SP3
had many errors, freezes, crashes; so they upgraded their FM to v9. The
rest of that department uses FM 7.0 XP SP2.

I offered to send the question to the list for another department. I no
longer use FM as a primary application and know that this is a great

> I'm guessing you're on Win XP (because I'm not sure IE 6 is compatible
with Vista). FWIW, I've been running FM 7.2 (unstructured) on Windows XP
SP3 for quite some time. No problems.

Someone is testing FM8 on XP SP3 and gets this message.
SGML Read Messages...

C:\Program Files\Adobe\FrameMaker8\structure\sgml\Southwest-700\; 
Could not find include file (C:\Program

Error reading the rules file ($STRUCTDIR\sgml\Southwest-700\

SGML open aborted.

So I am guessing the DTD need editing - I have never used structured

Thanks again,

-----Original Message-----
From: Combs, Richard [] 
Sent: Thursday, April 08, 2010 12:01 PM
To: Diana Stock; framers at
Subject: RE: Upgrading FrameMaker - IE Service Pack ?

Diana Stock wrote: 

> The Company is finally upgrading to Service Pack 3 soon, but staying
> IE version 6, until all application testing is completed.  I believe
> 7 will error with SP2.

Service Pack 3 of what? Windows XP? Vista? And what does Internet
Explorer have to do with this? 

What leads you to believe that FM 7 will have a problem? (I assume "SP2"
is a typo and you meant "SP3," but again, of what?)

I'm guessing you're on Win XP (because I'm not sure IE 6 is compatible
with Vista). FWIW, I've been running FM 7.2 (unstructured) on Windows XP
SP3 for quite some time. No problems. 

Richard G. Combs
Senior Technical Writer
Polycom, Inc.
richardDOTcombs AT polycomDOTcom
rgcombs AT gmailDOTcom


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