Joseph Lorenzini wrote:

> Thank you for your feedback. I'll definitely go with the conditional text
> then. I like guidelines of only conditionalizing paragraphs is and never
> have overlapping conditions.? As Richard suggested, if I have to I'll just
> replicate the paragraph. As for the funky formatting I was referring to,
> the issue is this: sometimes the end paragraph mark may be an indented
> item, part of a bulleted list, or a section heading.? So it isn't always
> the case that I'll have the same formatting every where in the book. As a
> result, when I did a hide/show in some cases, the resulting paragraph mark
> would inherit a number or formatting from a header. As a workaround, I may
> introduce empty "Body" paragraph marks to ensure that only body paragraphs
> are rendered no matter what I show or hide.

Sorry, I don't understand. When you hide a condition, there is no "resulting 
paragraph mark" -- there is only all the stuff that _doesn't_ have that 
condition applied. And that stuff doesn't "inherit" anything from anywhere -- 
it just remains what it was. 

Let's say you have a procedure step (numbered list paragraph) that applies only 
to Linux, so you apply the Linux condition to the entire paragraph. When you 
hide that condition, that step disappears. Hiding it has exactly zero effect on 
the preceding and following paragraphs that are still displayed (barring an 
unfortunate interaction of Keep With/Next settings affecting pagination, or 
something like that). 

If you have a Linux "Step 3" paragraph and a Windows "Step 3" paragraph, and 
either one or the other is hidden, depending on the output, then nothing on 
that page will change except which of the two paragraphs is shown and which is 

Richard G. Combs
Senior Technical Writer
Polycom, Inc.
richardDOTcombs AT polycomDOTcom
rgcombs AT gmailDOTcom

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