Field, Karen wrote:

> Question along these lines: I've got docs that I split into different
> version numbers and company branding. One document spins into 6
> different ones when I combine the version numbers with the branding.
> (For example: v. 2.1 Company A; v. 2.1 Company B) I do apply conditions
> at the word level; Any ideas on how to get around that?

I wouldn't use conditional text for such differences. That's what variables are 
for. I'd recommend this: 

1) Create user variables called, say, Version and Brand. 

2) For each of your 6 outputs, create an "Output X definitions" FM doc that 
contains the Version and Brand variables defined as they need to appear in that 

3) Prior to producing a given output, import variables from the corresponding 
variable definitions doc to all the files in the book. 

Obviously, you can include other output-specific things in your "Output X 
definitions" doc -- additional variables, conditional text settings, even 
brand-specific page layouts or format definitions -- and import those as well. 
It all depends on how much customization you need for each output. 

But for simple redefinitions such as those you cited as examples, stick to 

> Also, because I've been working in these docs for years, I've got tons
> of condition tags I'd like to delete. When I delete them from one doc
> (using the FM Help instructions), the changes don't port to other docs
> when I import formats. Is there a way to get rid of unneeded condition
> tags from a bunch o' files at once?

Importing formats is additive -- FM doesn't remove what's already there (and 
you wouldn't want it to without giving you some control over whether or not to 
do that). has a nifty little plug-in called Clean Import that lets you 
replace existing formats with the ones you import (all kinds of formats or just 
the ones you select). So you could delete the unneeded conditions from one file 
and then Clean Import conditions from it to all the other files, and that would 
remove all the unneeded ones. 


Richard G. Combs
Senior Technical Writer
Polycom, Inc.
richardDOTcombs AT polycomDOTcom
rgcombs AT gmailDOTcom

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