Hi Fei Min!

The article is available (along with all of my other XML Strategist  
columns) on our web site:




On Apr 27, 2010, at 10:50 AM, Fei Min Lorente wrote:

> Hi Alison:
> Are you an STC member? If so, did you read Sarah O'Keefe's article in
> the December 2009 issue of Intercom? It's called "XML and Lone  
> Writers:
> Can They Go Together?" and the description says "Even lone writers  
> need
> help sometimes, and XML might be an option. O'Keefe presents the value
> of XML to small groups and lone writers, and provides a method of
> evaluating if it's right for you." It looks like it would be  
> relevant to
> you.
> If you're not a member, perhaps you can contact Sarah about getting  
> more
> information (see http://www.scriptorium.com/about/people/sarah- 
> okeefe),
> or I can see what I can do about getting you a copy.
> Fei Min Lorente
> -----Original Message-----
> From: framers-bounces at lists.frameusers.com
> [mailto:framers-bounces at lists.frameusers.com] On Behalf Of Alison  
> Craig
> Sent: Monday, April 26, 2010 1:42 PM
> To: Pat Christenson; Frame Users
> Subject: RE: Training materials for Structured FrameMaker 9
> What about taking this one step back? I'm the lone writer in my
> organization and any innovations have to be led by me with a damn good
> case for ROI, e.g., moving from Word to FrameMaker was a 2 year  
> process
> (budget is the main reason I have to over-prove my case).
> As I have less than a year's experience with unstructured Frame9,  
> what I
> need to start with is some reading on what XML (in whatever form)  
> can do
> for my job and the company. What are the pros and cons for smaller
> organizations? That kind of thing.
> When I took a class at the local Technical Institute a couple of years
> ago, the instructor (who manages the documentation team at another
> medical device company up the road) made it clear that for her, the
> upfront costs and subsequent advantages weren't worth the money for  
> XML,
> at least not in her doc team environment. (FYI: given her approach and
> personality, I have no doubt her team works to a strict - and  
> complete -
> style guide).
> So, any suggestions out there about where to start researching? I've
> come across a lot things on the web, but much of it is evangelistic  
> and
> I'm looking for balance. I've spent 22 years in high tech - long  
> enough
> to know that nothing is perfect, nor is "innovation" always right/cost
> effective for every situation.
> Alison
> Alison Craig, Technical Writer
> Ultrasonix Medical Corporation
> Tel: (604) 279-8550, ext 127
> E-mail: alison.craig at ultrasonix.com
> -----Original Message-----
> From: framers-bounces at lists.frameusers.com
> [mailto:framers-bounces at lists.frameusers.com] On Behalf Of Pat
> Christenson
> Sent: Friday, April 23, 2010 7:04 PM
> To: Frame Users
> Subject: Training materials for Structured FrameMaker 9
> Hi -
> I've been looking around the web and don't see any training materials
> for Structured FrameMaker 9. Any help?
> Thanks.
> Pat
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Sarah S. O'Keefe
okeefe at scriptorium.com
phone: 919 459 5362
blog: www.scriptorium.com/blog
twitter: sarahokeefe

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