If your only reason for considering structured FrameMaker is because you 
want some kind of XML solution, then read up about XML. However, there 
are benefits to using a structured authoring environment that have 
nothing to do with converting to XML. They involve controlling the 
quality and consistency of the documents you product, how you re-use 
content within the FrameMaker environment, and other good stuff. I'm a 
lone writer too and I think it's worth it.


> Message: 1
> Subject: RE: Training materials for Structured FrameMaker 9
> What about taking this one step back? I'm the lone writer in my organization 
> and any innovations have to be led by me with a damn good case for ROI, e.g., 
> moving from Word to FrameMaker was a 2 year process (budget is the main 
> reason I have to over-prove my case).
> etc
> Alison Craig, Technical Writer

Fred Wersan
Senior Technical Writer
68 Moulton St.
Cambridge, MA 02138
617-876-8085 x 124

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