I think Brenda is referring to the table column widths.


George, Brenda wrote: 

> I am having problems with table cells enlarging table enlarging or
> contracting based on the amount of data that is flowed into the table
> cells.
> I need for the cells to adhere to the pre-set size set in the table.
> Is there a setting in FrameMaker that modifies table behavior,
> table size to adjust based on volume of data? If so, how do I change
> setting?

Um, table rows resizing to fit their cells' contents is generally not
considered a problem. You do realize that if the row height doesn't
increase to accommodate more text, the text will be cut off, right? It's
not like FM will automagically shrink it to fit, or something.

That said, the Row Format dialog (Table > Row Format) lets you specify
minimum and maximum row heights.  

Richard G. Combs
Senior Technical Writer
Polycom, Inc.
richardDOTcombs AT polycomDOTcom
rgcombs AT gmailDOTcom

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