<https://www1.gotomeeting.com/register/513872073> Cascading Style Sheets
(Part 3): Images
In this free tools-neutral webinar, you'll learn about specifying and using
images and image controls in Cascading Style Sheets (CSS).

The CSS specification allows for the sort of fine image control you expect
from the highest end desktop publishing systems. But the mysteries of what
to set and how are usually beyond most mortals. If you want to learn the
darkest secrets of working with images in CSS, this webinar is for you.

Feb 23 2010 at 9am Pacific. If the time or date don't work for you, the
webinars are recorded and made available for later review. If you sign up,
you'll get the link to the recording after the webinar is over. 

To see more and sign up, go to


Sharon Burton

Cell: 951-202-0813

Home office: 951-369-8590

sburton at madcapsoftware.com

IM: sharonvburton at yahoo.com

Blog: http://madcapsoftware.wordpress.com

Free tools-neutral webinars:

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