
Generating the index isn't a problem.  It's the resulting PDF....the linking 
area doesn't 
extend to the entire index entry....only the leader dots and page numbering.

Thank you

All the best


Electronic Signature:

Eduardo F. Cidade, Sr.

On Tue 01/06/10 21:18 , David Spreadbury dspreadb at yahoo.com sent:
> Eduardo, Are you trying to create an Index or an Index (IX) of
> Markers (IOM)?   With your book open, select Add > Standard Index.
> This will create an Index (.ix) file of the Index entries you have
> embedded in your doc.   From what you are saying you appear to be
> attempting to create an Index of Markers.
> --- On TUE, 6/1/10, EDUARDO F. CIDADE SR. __ wrote:
> From: Eduardo F. Cidade Sr. 
> Subject: Active Areas from Frame-Generated Index(es)
> To: framers at lists.frameusers.com
> Date: Tuesday, June 1, 2010, 5:42 PM
> Good afternoon from JFK Airport...raining and overcast
> First the setup:  WXP, Frame 8 (Unstructured) and Acrobat 9
> Professional
> Now the dilemma:  
> In generating an index, there's no problem with the creation and
> "breakout" of different 
> levels:
> Level     Page Number
> L1IOM ....... X-X
> L2IOM ..... Y-Y
> L3IOM .... Z-Z
> The problem stems from the resulting PDF where the active area is
> "drawn" (for lack of a 
> better word) around the leader dots and page number and NOT the text
> in the respective IOM.
> I know there was a "fix" for this quite a while ago, but for the life
> of me, I can't 
> remember what that was.
> Anyone out there willing to help out a fellow Frame Templar???
> All the best
> From New York
> Eduardo

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