Reng, Dr. Winfried wrote:

> When there is only a single reference the link area in the resulting
> PDF file encompasses the whole paragraph - provided that there is
> really no change in the character formatting (page number, separator,
> text). The link area does not start at the position of the marker
> but extends in both directions of the marker until there is a change
> in the character formatting or the paragraph ends. A change in character
> formatting could also be a character format with everything set to As Is.
> Test it out, e.g.:
> Or the MML reference in the FrameMaker installation folder (at least for FM
> 8)

I've created many indexes in FM 5.1 through 7.2, and recently began working 
with 9.0. I've never had my own indexes exhibit this behavior, either in FM or 
in PDF. The hotspots have always been limited to the page numbers, whether an 
entry had one or multiple page numbers. 

I'm looking right now at the FM 7 MIF_Reference.pdf and MML_Reference.pdf. The 
former's index exhibits the behavior I'm familiar with: only the page numbers 
are hyperlinks. The latter exhibits the behavior you describe: the entire line 
is a hyperlink. 

The index behavior I'm familiar with is the result of generating a regular 
index -- which is what I always do. I suspect that the behavior you're 
describing is the result of generating something else -- probably an 
alphabetical list of markers (ALM) or index of markers (IOM). 

Richard G. Combs
Senior Technical Writer
Polycom, Inc.
richardDOTcombs AT polycomDOTcom
rgcombs AT gmailDOTcom

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