Gay Alson wrote:

You mentioned putting each text inset file in a different flow, up to 256. But 
as we may end up with several hundred text inset files over time, it occurred 
to me to try it the other way ?round: That is, to see if the main contents of 
each text inset file could remain in Flow Tag A, with only the four-line 
metadata in a separate flow. (Which means dealing only with two text flows 
instead of many.) That?s what I tried and it does work, at least in my first 
experiments. Can you think of any reason NOT to continue with that? I also 
wasn?t sure about where to place the new text frame containing the Metadata 
Flow Tag, so I inserted it in the upper left of my regular Flow A.  I had my 
doubts whether FM would permit a text flow within the frame of the larger Flow 
A but it seems to be okay.

No, this will *not* work for your purposes. When you reference a text inset 
file from a "container" file, you specify which flow to import from. If all the 
content chunks are in Flow A, then all you will ever be able to do is include 
*all* the content chunks each time you do an insert from that TI file. The 
whole point of putting the content chunks in separate, named flows is to be 
able to reference them as separate content objects. It doesn't matter if all 
your meta-data text is in the same flow, because you will never need to insert 
those chunks individually into another document.

-Fred Ridder                                      
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