I don't know if I badly explained my own thinking or if I misunderstood
the suggested procedure.  

When I mentioned a "master" document, I originally envisioned it as one
big doc into which would be imported all text inset files. However, they
would NOT be imported to other files FROM this file - this is just a
master dump file for the purpose of holding metadata that could be
searched when writers want TI files to use.

After reading the idea of text flows, I put the four lines of metadata
into a separate text frame at the start of the TI template file (from
which each TI file will be made) and I named that flow tag "Metadata".
Then I imported each TI file, one at a time, into the "master" file and
when prompted which text flow tag to import, I selected "Metadata". The
result was just what I wanted: a .fm file containing ONLY the metadata.

I was afraid having the small Metadata text flow frame in the corner of
my main Flow Tag A would cause problems and some of your comments seem
to bear this out, so I'm experimenting with putting that little text
frame in a margin, outside Flow Tag A. So far, it doesn't seem to pose a

I still feel that Flow Tag A should be left alone as the container for
the main TI file - it's connected so pages continue as they should. Then
the few lines of metadata are in a separate area that can be imported
into the "master" (dump) file. It's the only time this text flow will
ever be used, and since the text in this small frame has a condition tag
applied that is routinely hidden, the "real" TI file can be edited,
imported where needed, etc., with no real change to existing TI

At least, that's my theory!

Many thanks - as always - to you folks who so willingly give of your
time and ideas. This list is a fantastic resource.


From: Fred Ridder [mailto:docu...@hotmail.com] 
Sent: Thursday, August 04, 2011 11:50 AM
To: Gay Alson; rshuttleworth at avbasesystems.com
Cc: framers at lists.frameusers.com
Subject: RE: Any way to hide unconditional text?

Gay Alson wrote:

You mentioned putting each text inset file in a different flow, up to
256. But as we may end up with several hundred text inset files over
time, it occurred to me to try it the other way 'round: That is, to see
if the main contents of each text inset file could remain in Flow Tag A,
with only the four-line metadata in a separate flow. (Which means
dealing only with two text flows instead of many.) That's what I tried
and it does work, at least in my first experiments. Can you think of any
reason NOT to continue with that? I also wasn't sure about where to
place the new text frame containing the Metadata Flow Tag, so I inserted
it in the upper left of my regular Flow A.  I had my doubts whether FM
would permit a text flow within the frame of the larger Flow A but it
seems to be okay.

No, this will *not* work for your purposes. When you reference a text
inset file from a "container" file, you specify which flow to import
from. If all the content chunks are in Flow A, then all you will ever be
able to do is include *all* the content chunks each time you do an
insert from that TI file. The whole point of putting the content chunks
in separate, named flows is to be able to reference them as separate
content objects. It doesn't matter if all your meta-data text is in the
same flow, because you will never need to insert those chunks
individually into another document.

-Fred Ridder

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