Thanks for all of your suggestions. 

For those who were curious, the reason I was asked to do this is that the 
company who owns the manuals sometimes sells their product under a rebranding 
agreement, and smaller companies do not have the justification to use Frame. 
I'm not too worried about anyone else taking over that manual set. The company 
has been a client for a number of years and they keep pushing work my way. And, 
their customer was warned that the Word output wasn't going to look too pretty. 

In terms of the export itself, the actual exporting to .rtf files wasn't a big 
deal for those chapters that were mostly straight text. However, there were 
plenty of tables and screen captures, which initially bloated up the manual to 
640MB. Using Acrobat Pro to save as word files seriously messed up the 
formatting in places, so I ended up using a combination of the two methods for 
individual chapters.

As for the .mif export, that didn't seem to eliminate the conditional text that 
I was trying to exclude. Maybe I just didn't know enough about how to do that. 
Next time I'll try Mif2go.

Thanks again!

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