Strangest behavior I have seen in a while:

Using FM 10 in a Windows 7 environment.

I am working in a large format: 22" W by 13" H. The landscape page layout has 
three columns of equal width.

I imported paragraph and character formats from an 8.5 x 11" document. I then 
copied and pasted two pages of text, no graphics, from the same 8.5 x 11" 
original into the landscape page.

The text poured into all three columns, but it broke at 8" into each column, 
leaving the bottom 5 inches of each column empty. I managed to get some of the 
text at the top of the second column to backfill the bottom of the first 
column: I put the cursor at the beginning of the second column and hit 
Backspace. About 10 lines of text moved to the previous column, but there's 
still room and I can't get any more of the text at the top of the second column 
to move back:

---I've checked the "Keep with Next" and "Keep with Previous" settings; they're 
not checked for anything.

---The "Start" setting is set to "Anywhere."

---Widow/orphan is set to 2 lines

---I didn't import the page layouts from the 8.5 x 11" original. 

What on earth is telling the text to break?

Thanks for any and all suggestions, and happy Friday!


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