Quite a few factors go into a full soup to nuts translation of a document.
Software used is rarely one of them, as that can be obtained or worked
around as necessary. One of the big gotchas is cleanliness of source
language files. My guess is that your anecdotal reference pertains to usual
use of the two tools, where Frame is often used by professional writers who
adhere to style and templates while Word... well... we all have heard horror

I'm happy to chat with you at length and answer any specific questions you
might have.


On Thu, Feb 24, 2011 at 11:15 AM, Roy Lewis <roy_g_lewis at yahoo.com> wrote:

> I apologize for going off topic but can anyone point to figures that
> compares translation costs for Framemaker documents compared to MSWord
> documents. Someone told me Frame was generally cheaper, but they could not
> supply a source for the data.
> Thanks,
> Roy
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Bill Swallow

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