
The mapping from elements and their context happens in the structure 
application's template (which contains an EDD). The EDD contains element 
definitions, which in turn contain context rules. The context rules 
specify the formatting (paragraph and character styles, or other 
specified properties). FrameMaker and DITA-FMx provide default structure 
applications that you can use as the basis for building your own 
customized apps. Rather than just jumping in and modifying the default 
apps, I highly recommend "cloning" them to create your own apps. This is 
a bit more effort, but in the long run is the best way to go. While 
customizing the apps, you will break something (we all do), and it's 
very important to have the original apps readily available for testing 
and comparison. Here's some information about cloning the default 
DITA-FMx apps (a similar process can be used to clone the default 
FM-DITA apps) ..

When you create a FM book from a DITA map using default FM-DITA, you 
save your ditamap as a "book with FM components". The chapter files are 
formatted with the current DITA structure application template (and 
underlying EDD). You can either use a customized app to get different 
formatting or you can import alternate templates into the files after 
the book has been created.

If you're using DITA-FMx, use the "Generate Book from Map" command. This 
performs various book-build operations (as defined in the Book Build 
Settings dialog). If you set up a book-build INI file, you can define 
the pagination and numbering properties of the chapter files as well as 
the properties of any generated lists you include in your bookmap. This 
INI file also lets you specify additional (unstructured) files to 
include in the generated book (like a title page or other files). As 
well .. if you have metadata in you map (like copyright or version 
information), you can specify that those values be imported into the 
generated and included files as FM variables. This video provides an 
overview of this process ..

Note that DITA-FMx 1.1 does not support DITA 1.2. When DITA-FMx 2.0 is 
available, that will support DITA 1.2. If you're using FM11, be sure to 
start with the DITA 1.1 apps or the default DITA-FMx apps as the basis 
for your customized apps.

When publishing to HTML-based output, it really depends on what tool you 
use, but the mapping would happen in that tool. DITA-FMx provides a 
direct integration with DITA2Go and the DITA-OT. If you have TCS and 
want to use RoboHelp, your best bet is to generate a book from the map, 
then import that book into RoboHelp (don't try the direct ditamap import 
into RH). (I would love to hear from anyone who has had success with the 
ditamap to RH import!)



On 12/1/12 7:33 AM, John Sgammato wrote:
> But surely somehow the para tags get mapped to elements for PDF output?
> When I publish a procedure to PDF, suppose I want the steps to have 
> 0pt above, 6pt after, etc - the stuff I usually set up in the 
> paragraph designer. How do the elements get that information en route 
> to becoming a PDF?  I want to know how to set that up, too.
> And then I want to publish the same content to HTML, with different 
> presentation. Now that I separate the presentation form the structure, 
> I have misplaced where the presentation layer went...
> <still scratching head>
> john
> On Sat, Dec 1, 2012 at 10:03 AM, Rick Quatro <rick at 
> <mailto:rick at>> wrote:
>     Hi John,
>     In a structured FrameMaker document, the users don't deal directly
>     with
>     paragraph (character, table) formats anyway, so there is no
>     practical reason
>     to delete any.
>     Rick Quatro
>     Carmen Publishing Inc.
>     585-283-5045 <tel:585-283-5045>
>     rick at <mailto:rick at>
>     -----Original Message-----
>     From: framers-bounces at
>     <mailto:framers-bounces at>
>     [mailto:framers-bounces at
>     <mailto:framers-bounces at>] On Behalf Of John
>     Sgammato
>     Sent: Thursday, November 29, 2012 7:25 PM
>     To: Writer
>     Cc: framers at <mailto:framers at 
>     Subject: Re: greenfield and new structure
>     I made great progress today. I was able to open the DITA files and
>     get them
>     pretty consistent with new master pages, etc.
>     I see two issues right now that I cannot figure out:
>     * I want to get rid of many, many paragraph formats that I won't
>     need, but I
>     don't know if it is safe to do that, or if it will break something.
>     * I have many topics that I want to nest as H2s under H1s, etc,
>     and I cannot
>     see how to do that, but today was only my first day so I am sure I
>     will get
>     there.
>     I am grateful for the progress I have made, but I wish I had some
>     documentation!
>     I tried the Yahoo group and Yahoo won't let me in with my old
>     credentials -
>     I'll resolve that tomorrow. It's getting late here in Boston!
>     On Nov 29, 2012, at 7:16 PM, Writer <generic668 at
>     <mailto:generic668 at>> wrote:
> -- 
> *John Sgammato *
> Documentation Architect
> *e* john.sgammato at <mailto:john.sgammato at>
> *w* +1-781.890.2950 x7652
> /Recover anything instantly for up to 90% less than you're paying now./
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