
You wrote:

>... I have a simple FM file (3 pages) with a named destination created via 
>a hypertext command (Specify Named Destination) on page 2 and a hyperlink 
>(Jump To Named Destination) to it on page 3. I create the PDF file using 
>the Adobe Printer. In the PDF Setup I have specified Create links and Tags 
>as well.
>I need to be able to open the file using a URL command as below, in a 
>navigator like Internet Explorer. It should open to the correct location 
>on page 2 using this command.
>The PDF opens to page 1, not page 2 where the Named Destination is 
>located. But the hyperlink on page 3 works, as clicking it brings me to 
>page 2, to the exact location. ...

-- Are you opening the target PDF locally or is it web-based? 
Unfortunately, opening PDFs at a named destination functions reliably only 
when the target PDF is accessed from a web location.

-- Inspect your PDF in Acrobat, and check whether the TagForMax named 
destination indeed appears in the Destinations panel. If you created the 
destination using FrameMaker's newlink hypertext marker, it would have a 
'M8.newlink.' prefix (see for 
more information).  Either change the HTML link to reflect the destination 
name, or edit the destination name in Acrobat.

Shlomo Perets

FrameMaker/TCS training & consulting * FM-to-Acrobat TimeSavers/Assistants

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