
I am using FM 9, latest patch, under Windows 7 (32-bit).

I have a simple FM file (3 pages) with a named 
destination created via a hypertext command 
(Specify Named Destination) on page 2 and a 
hyperlink (Jump To Named Destination) to it on 
page 3. I create the PDF file using the Adobe 
Printer. In the PDF Setup I have specified Create links and Tags as well.

I need to be able to open the file using a URL 
command as below, in a navigator like Internet 
Explorer. It should open to the correct location on page 2 using this command.


The PDF opens to page 1, not page 2 where the 
Named Destination is located. But the hyperlink 
on page 3 works, as clicking it brings me to page 2, to the exact location.

Any suggestions? I cannot see what I am doing wrong.

Thx in advance and Happy New Year!


Stephen O'Brien
Coordonnateur ? la documentation / Documentation Coordinator
R?dacteur technique senior / Senior Technical Writer
InnovMetric Logiciels inc. / InnovMetric Software Inc.
2014, Cyrille-Duquet, suite 310
Qu?bec (Qu?bec) Canada G1N 4N6

Tel.: (418) 688-2061
Fax: (418) 688-3001
sobrien at innovmetric.com

PolyWorks, the Universal 3D Metrology Software Platform (TM)
PolyWorks, la plate-forme logicielle universelle de m?trologie 3D (TM)  
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