On 10/01/2012 6:44 PM, Lynn Gold wrote:
> I'm using FrameMaker 10. In several chapters I have a Figure Title tag
> containing an Anchored Frame set to anchor "Below the Current Line" and
> "Left."
> When the Anchored Frame is larger than the amount of space left on the
> page, instead of putting the frame below the text on the next page, FM
> 10 puts the Figure Title on one page and the Anchored Frame on the next
> page.
> Using "Keep with next paragraph" on the Figure Title paragraph has no
> effect; it still remains on the previous page.
> Have I found a bug, or is there something I need to be doing differently?

I think you've found either a bug or deliberately changed behaviour that 
Adobe didn't tell us about.  In FM 9, my tests show that the 
Widow/Orphan setting is respected, and so that number of lines is 
carried over a page break along with the anchored frame.  You don't 
happen to have a forced return at the end of your Title pgf? That, plus 
a low W/Orphan setting might cause what you're seeing.

A work-around (or what may be a better practice anyway) is to put the 
anchored frame in its own dedicated left-aligned pgf (at insertion 
point), then set your Title tag to Keep with Next Pgf.  That method 
gives you much more control over spacing.


Stuart Rogers
Technical Communicator
Phoenix Geophysics Limited
3781 Victoria Park Avenue, Unit 3
Toronto, ON, Canada  M1W 3K5
+1 (416) 491-7340 x 325


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