Hello Lynn

Just to clarify: You insert the Figure Title paragraph, then add the anchored 
frame to the end of it? And you obviously want the figure title (caption) to 
stay with the figure.

I just tried this in FM9 p255, and it works fine. What I did was: 1. Fill a 
page with Body paragraphs down to near the bottom. 2. Add a FigureTitle para 
and an anchored frame set to Below. The FigureTitle para and the frame 
immediately jumped to the next page. Neither Body nor FigureTitle has any Keep 
with Next or Previous settings.

If I delete successive Body paras previous to the FigureTitle, the FigureTitle 
and frame both remain on the next page until there is room for both on the 
first page. They are never separated.

Perhaps others can confirm behaviour in FM9 and 10 in order to determine 
whether there is really a difference.

One option for you would be to put the frame in its own (empty) paragraph 
format (for example, FigureAnchor), and set the frame to At Insertion Point. 
Then tweak the Keep with Next or Previous settings so that FigureTitle and 
FigureAnchor paras are kept together. I prefer this arrangement in any case 
(why, I ask myself...).

Hope this helps.


Roger Shuttleworth
Technical Documentation
AV-BASE Systems Inc.
1000 Air Ontario Drive, Suite 200
London, Ontario
N5V 3S4
Tel. 519 691-0919 ext. 330

From: Lynn Gold [mailto:lg...@us.ibm.com]
To: framers at lists.frameusers.com
Sent: Tue, 10 Jan 2012 18:44:02 -0500
Subject: Anchored Frame/Pagination bug?

I'm using FrameMaker 10.  In several  chapters I have a Figure Title tag 
containing an Anchored Frame set to  anchor "Below the Current Line" and 

When the Anchored Frame is larger than  the amount of space left on the page, 
instead of putting the frame below  the text on the next page, FM 10 puts the 
Figure Title on one page and  the Anchored Frame on the next page.  

Using "Keep with next paragraph"  on the Figure Title paragraph has no effect; 
it still remains on the previous  page.  

Have I found a bug, or is there something  I need to be doing differently?  


Lynn Gold  
Information Developer  
IBM, Santa Clara, CA  

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