Hi all,

A couple weeks ago I hit this forum on general questions about handling
localization. Thanks for the tips and guidance. Things at work have come
into more focus and here's the use case.

--we have a hired full time person that will be devoted to localization and
writing technical documentation in English and Chinese.
--we will not be using translation vendor to do the translation
--I want to purchase translation software that can create and maintain
translation memory. The plan is that the localization person would use this
software to automate the translation process and handle identifying new
content from existing content so they avoid having to re-translated the
same content over and over again.
--I do not want the software to be more than a couple thousand dollars.
--The software must be able to handle framemaker files as the source
material that will need to be translated.
--minimal learning curve to figure out how to use the software.

Am I dreaming? Does such software exist that won't break the bank? I know
there are translation solutions out there that costs tens of thousands of
dollars but that's definitely not within the budget. If there isn't, then
we'll have to use some type of manual process unfortunately.

Joseph Lorenzini
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