On 17/09/2012 8:01 PM, Wei JIANG [PT-CN] wrote:
> Hello Alison and Stuart,
> Myriad Pro IS a Unicode font. The thing is, that specific character, and
> many other characters in the same group, are not included in this font.
> You can verify this in Character Map.
> So, Unicode is a way to encode the characters in a font, but that font
> may not include all characters. Even if in the so-called "catch-all" font
> Arial Unicode MS, some characters are missing!
> Kindest,
> Wei Jiang
> English<>Chinese Translator and Multilingual DTPer based in Beijing, China

Thanks Wei Jiang,

But Christoph Korsmeier has the right answer.  In Windows 7, I can 
"verify" in Character Map that Myriad Pro definitely has the glyph; it 
appears in a group of glyphs that is also peppered with boxed-X's 
indicating missing glyphs, leading one with "certainty" to the 
conclusion that Myriad Pro includes the checkmark.  It's a lie.

In Windows XP, the Character Map shows the truth: the entire part of the 
unicode range that Win7 claims to include that glyph (and a whole bunch 
of other dingbat-style glyphs) is nothing but boxed-X's.  Evidently Win7 
and Microsoft products like Word do a behind-the-scenes font 
substitution, which FM does not recognize.  (According to forums, 
neither does Photoshop, so perhaps it's Adobe-wide.)

I know how to work around this issue, but I've wasted a lot of time 
uncovering Microsoft's malfeasance; I'm extremely annoyed!

Thanks to all,

Stuart Rogers
Technical Communicator
Phoenix Geophysics Limited
3781 Victoria Park Avenue, Unit 3
Toronto, ON, Canada  M1W 3K5
+1 (416) 491-7340 x 325


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