So does that mean that Word is inserting it as an Arial Unicode character
when it is pasted there?

Craig Ede

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:framers-bounces at] On Behalf Of Wei JIANG [PT-CN]
Sent: Monday, September 17, 2012 7:01 PM
To: Framers at
Subject: Re: Help with unicode and question marks

Hello Alison and Stuart,

Myriad Pro IS a Unicode font. The thing is, that specific character, and
many other characters in the same group, are not included in this font.
You can verify this in Character Map.

So, Unicode is a way to encode the characters in a font, but that font may
not include all characters. Even if in the so-called "catch-all" font Arial
Unicode MS, some characters are missing!

Wei Jiang
English<>Chinese Translator and Multilingual DTPer based in Beijing, China

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