Hi Karen

The other option is to save the file as MIF, open it in a text editor and look 
for fonts. MIFs are pretty human-readable.


>>> "Combs, Richard" <richard.combs at Polycom.com> 24/01/13 13:54 >>>
Karen Robbins wrote:

> A file (generated file from a plain text source) keeps displaying the
> "unavailable fonts" error each time it opens.
> I've run Silicoin Prairie's Paragraph Tools on this file, and the
> only font it finds in the file is HelveticaNeueLT Std--exactly as it
> should be. I've checked the master pages (four)--no hidden text
> boxes; and the reference page (one)--nothing else there.
> What could the error be pointing to?

What version of FM? Which fonts are unavailable (listed in the Console window). 

The most likely suspect is a paragraph in the default instance of a table 
format. For a new file not based on a template you've created, there are 
probably only two: Format A and Format B. 

Insert an instance of each table format (with a heading, body, and footing row) 
and check the paragraphs in those. If you find the problem, change the 
paragraph formats (or redefine them to use the correct font). Then, in the 
Table Designer dialog box, click Update All. That will update the default for 
that table format to use the changed paragraph formats. 


Richard G. Combs
Senior Technical Writer
Polycom, Inc.
richardDOTcombs AT polycomDOTcom
rgcombs AT gmailDOTcom


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