Stuart Rogers wrote:

> I just modified with your suggested changes, and there is no
> effect on a new document.  The table formats still use Times New Roman,
> the ruler is still in cm.
> There is another file, "custom" with no extension, also in the fminit
> directory.  I am able to use your instructions to change the default
> table properties in that file, and happily, the effect is evident in
> new Portrait, Landscape, and Custom documents.  The bloody ruler, even
> though in inches in the custom file, and even though Units are set to
> inches in the Custom Blank Paper dialog, resolutely refuses to display
> inches.  It's Adobe's (metric) way or the highway, I guess.

Oops, sorry. I misremembered some information from many years ago. You're 
right, it's custom that's used when you create new blank paper documents in FM 
( is used when you create a new FM doc outside of FM; don't ask me 
why). Here's some more information on this subject:

(That's in the FM 8 help. The equivalent topic in the FM 10 help is shorter and 
less helpful because someone apparently randomly removed chunks of content.) 

I don't know what controls the ruler units when you select Portrait or 
Landscape in the New dialog. But when you select Custom, what you set Units to 
in the Custom Blank Paper dialog is what you should get. 

It works for me in both FM 7.2 and 10. If Page Size is set to a US size, Units 
defaults to Inch, but I can change it to cm, click Create, and the new doc's 
rulers are in centimeters. If Page Size is set to a metric size, Units defaults 
to cm, but I can change it to Inch, click Create, and the new doc's rulers are 
in inches. 

Are you using FM 11? Maybe you've discovered a bug.

Richard G. Combs
Senior Technical Writer
Polycom, Inc.
richardDOTcombs AT polycomDOTcom
rgcombs AT gmailDOTcom

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