
He probably refers to the Trados filter S-tagger that converts FM files to
Word (rft) files with colored tags. The translator will just translate the
text in between the colored tags, and then you can convert back into
Japanese with S-Tagger. I did that with Japanese many years ago. The
learning curve can be a bit tricky, bit is really rather straight-forward
once you get used to it. You would need to install Japanese fonts as well.
The problem is that Trados does not sell this as a standalone program
anymore, so you would have to purchase the whole Trados package. Therefore
is seems better that the translation agency who probably already has a
Trados license does the S-Tagger work as well.


Ragnar Hanas

Uddevalla Hospita,


From: framers-boun...@lists.frameusers.com
[mailto:framers-bounces at lists.frameusers.com] On Behalf Of Stephen O'Brien
Sent: Friday, June 28, 2013 4:16 PM
To: Frame Users (framers at lists.frameusers.com)
Subject: Translating FM files into Japonese


We have located a translator in Japan to translate a 300-page training
booklet written in English. The document is very largely table based with
typically an image in row 1 and the caption underneath in row 2 with
straddled narrow columns containing arrows to show a sequence of actions. 

The translator is charging reasonable translation costs and then there is an
additional 12$/page cost because the files are from FrameMaker. When we
questioned that cost, he asked if we could provide files in Trados format.
Maybe he is not familiar with FrameMaker files.

Anyway, I find this strange as in the past I have always provided FM files
and the company doing the translation took care of everything else on their
side. I received my Fm files translated into the target language from which
I made PDFs.

Can anyone familiar with translating FM files explain why the individual is
requesting files in Trados format? Can that be done ? just pay a company to
generate Trados files from FM files?

Many thanks (cold and wet here in Quebec City at 10 Celcius),

Stephen O'BRIEN
Coordonnateur ? la documentation et r?dacteur technique senior |
Documentation Coordinator and Senior Technical Writer
InnovMetric Logiciels | Software
 <mailto:sobrien at innovmetric.com> sobrien at innovmetric.com
T (1) 418.688.2061
F (1) 418.688.3001

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