Hi Syed,

Can you share us your contact details and preferred time to contact.

We will call you to discuss it out.


On Fri, Mar 22, 2013 at 10:58 PM, Syed Zaeem Hosain (Syed.Hosain at aeris.net)
<Syed.Hosain at aeris.net> wrote:

> > You can still buy an upgrade to FrameMaker 11 on adobe.com. Maybe
> they'll discontinue that in favor of TCS for the next release?
> > I'm not sure I've had any reason to call support about FM10, so the lack
> of support isn't an issue.
> Hi, Robert.
> I already have FrameMaker version 11. Actually, I was not looking for
> support per se ... I was just anticipating being ready with the Update Plan
> (at a lower cost than a single version update) in place to get version 12
> when it comes out.
> TCS is gross overkill for what I use FrameMaker for, so not likely to get
> approval for it - and I am not about to pay for that myself!
> Anyway, as of yesterday, I am now exploring making all my work be
> hyperlinked Wiki documents instead - they are mostly large User Manuals,
> API documentation and stuff, so switching away from PDF from FrameMaker
> documents to a Wiki may work ... any recommendations along these lines? My
> current docs have some graphics, lots of text, with plenty of hyperlinks
> (generally internal cross-references). Essentially B/W, with some color use
> in headings, etc.
> If I find something workable for creating Wiki versions of my documents
> relatively cleanly, and if Adobe cannot get their version upgrade pricing
> rational and correct (the cost of upgrading to 9, 10 and 11 was
> unacceptably high ... for a point tool), then version 11 is where I will
> permanently stop and never upgrade again.
> And that will be a "too bad" moment. Having used FM since version 3 on a
> Sun 3/50 ... it may just be time to move on. :(
> Z
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