Echo that.

Paul Wilbraham
Senior Consultant & Trainer
T: 0131 226 5893
M: 07928 797 281

On Thu, 2 Apr 2020 at 15:12, Craig Ede <> wrote:

> I had a Windows copy of Frame 3 tossed to me by my company's Tech Pubs
> manager back in 1991 or 1992. "They say this is better than PageMaker.
> Check it out!" I was immediately sold on it and I didn't even work for his
> department. They shifted over after they saw what I was doing with it.
> My personal purchased Windows from 1992 was for Windows and on disks.
> The suggestion to change Interleaf to FrameMaker is still operative when
> running spellcheck in FM10, which is the version I happen to have on this
> machine. It's probably still in there today. Why fix what ain't broken.
> Craig
> ________________________________
> Sed Zaeem Hosain said..
> For me, it was 1988 (FM version 3, I think?) on a Sun 3/50 (the one where
> the B/W monitor was physically attached to the top of the computer chassis
> pizza box).
> Peter, the first Windows version was FM 4, I think ... I beta tested it
> for Frame Technology then. Came on floppy disks (I think I still have them
> around here somewhere)!
> Side-bar for those who remember the competition: when you ran spell-check
> in FM 3, it would correct the word "Interleaf" to "FrameMaker". :)
> Z
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