Yes, that is the name that I remember!
Thank you!!!

Sent from my iPhone. Blame Steve Jobs for any typos.

> On Dec 17, 2021, at 3:18 PM, Peter Gold <> wrote:
> Cudspan's "tocbreaker" might be the magic tool. Try a web search.
>> On Fri, Dec 17, 2021, 4:06 PM Heiko Haida <> wrote:
>> If you prepare a title text with some nonbreaking spaces (that do not
>> bother in the place where the title is) according to your idea how this
>> should look like in the TOC, the text then will always keep together in
>> the TOC when regenerated.
>> This may help, or at least may help for most of the lines in the TOC.
>> Of course, this is not such a good idea if the text has to be translated
>> to other languages where the line breaks have to be set differently.
>> Best regards --- Tino H. Haida, Berlin
>>> OK, Rick's script saved my bacon yet again, and while I am on a roll, I
>>> am gonna' get greedy and ask if someone can refresh the fuzzy recesses
>>> of my aging mind.
>>> Right now, when I have lines that don't wrap correctly in my TOC (based
>>> on the length of the text for a tag), I am going through and manually
>>> adding the needed breaks, but of course, this is tedious work and I
>>> loathe doing it every time I produce a final book because either I
>>> forget to do it or I miss a line or two.
>>> Wasn't there a script "out there somewhere?" that magically did this
>>> for you?
>>> If anyone remembers this script and can point me in the right direction
>>> (other than off a cliff which is what I feel like doing right now), I
>>> would most appreciate it.
>>> TIA,
>>> TVB
>>> Tammy Van Boening
>>> Tammy dot vanboening at spectrumwritingllc dot com
>>> [1]
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Framers <framers-
>>>> On
>>> Behalf Of Peter Gold
>>> Sent: Friday, December 17, 2021 11:47 AM
>>> To: An email list for people using Adobe FrameMaker software.
>>> <>
>>> Subject: Re: [Framers] TOC issue
>>> Great news! Thanks to Rick!
>>> This is definitely a bug, or at least a documentation omission, AKA
>>> bug,  that
>>> needs formal reporting, Someone please report it. Thanks.
>>>> On Fri, Dec 17, 2021, 12:31 PM <> wrote:
>>> Hi Everyone,
>>> OK, as someone asked offlist, yes, some of these equation titles do
>>> contain non-alphanumeric characters. .. (Their response to my: I seem
>>> to recall that I ran up against a similar problem about 15 years ago
>>> and ultimately tracked it down to prohibited (but not documented)
>>> punctuation characters in the headings that weren't appearing in the
>>> ToC).
>>> Other ones do contain a character formatting change in the middle of
>>> the link (not at the beginning as Craig asked), so I obviously was
>>> taught incorrectly or remember incorrectly that as long as the
>>> character didn't begin the link, all was OK.
>>> Long story short - Rick Quatro is going to revamp a script that will
>>> solve the issue and save the day yet again for another FM user
>>> (especially me), and I can stop banging my head on the wall - about
>>> this little gem anyway.
>>> Thank you everyone for your responses. Every single time that I post
>>> to this list, I not only get the answer that I need but I also learn
>>> so many little tidbits and extra gems of knowledge about FM that can
>>> come only from tribal knowledge and everyone's years of experience.
>>> Have safe, healthy, and happy holidays.
>>> TVB
>>> Tammy Van Boening
>>> Tammy dot vanboening at spectrumwritingllc dot com
>>> [1]
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Framers <framers-
>>>> On
>>> Behalf Of Peter Gold
>>> Sent: Friday, December 17, 2021 10:26 AM
>>> To: An email list for people using Adobe FrameMaker software.
>>> <>
>>> Subject: Re: [Framers] TOC issue
>>> Have you tried duplicating, by copying and pasting the problem
>>> paragraphs, to see if they retain the problem gremlins? If they don't,
>>> try
>>> deleting or; hiding the bad ones one with a condition.
>>> Perhaps the problem material falls on some kind of border or limit.
>>> Have you tried creating a placeholder chapter ahead of the book
>>> materials,
>>> then regenerating? If that fixes it, resett the numberings or hide
>>> it, to ignore the placeholder, and regen.
>>> On Fri, Dec 17, 2021, 10:55 AM tammyvb <
>>>> wrote:
>>> 😀😀
>>> What I NEED to do is just punt this project. . .
>>> And yes I agree with you I should not have to do that but any port
>>> in a storm. . .
>>> Rick Quatro wants to look at the TOC and he always rides to my
>>> rescue in these frustrating situations, so I'm waiting to hear
>>> back from him, and learn what the obvious problem it is. . .
>>> Well, obvious to him (and probably everybody else at this point
>>> I'm so
>>> frustrated) but not to me!
>>> Thanks!
>>> Sent from my iPhone. Blame Steve Jobs for any typos.
>>> On Dec 17, 2021, at 9:11 AM, Lise Bible
>>> <>
>>  wrote:
>>>> Tammy,
>>>> I have no Frame advice to offer (I am sure you've tried
>>>> everything I
>>> would
>>>> have tried, and I'd be equally frustrated in your situation),
>>>> but as a workaround, can you manually create these links in
>>>> Acrobat after the
>>> fact? To be clear, you shouldn't HAVE to do this, but in a pinch...
>>> Good luck!
>>> -Lise
>>> On Fri, Dec 17, 2021 at 9:36 AM tammyvb
>>> <> wrote:
>>> Hi Craig,
>>> No there is no difference in the character formatting between
>>> these five entries and any of the other same type of entries in the
>>  TOC.
>>> All the EquationCaption  paragraph tags are formatted
>>> identically
>>  without
>>> any overrides or additional character settings.
>>> But if you have any other ideas or thoughts I would definitely
>>> welcome them.
>>> Thank you!
>>> Sent from my iPhone. Blame Steve Jobs for any typos.
>>> On Dec 17, 2021, at 8:23 AM, Craig Ede <>
>>  wrote:
>>> Is there any kind of character formatting at the beginning of
>>> these 5 lines being used for the TOC?
>>> Craig Ed
>>> ________________________________
>>> From: Framers <framers-bounces+craigede=
>>> on behalf of <
>>>> Sent: Friday, December 17, 2021 8:48 AM
>>> To:
>>> <>
>>> Subject: [Framers] TOC issue
>>> OK,
>>> Me again, but I have done everything that I can think of doing
>>> to solve this issue BEFORE I posted and I am at a loss.  I have a book
>>> for
>>> which I am generating a TOC. I have selected the necessary
>>> paragraph tags for the TOC and generated. All the entries in the TOC
>>> are functioning as
>>> hyperlinks as they should with the exception of 5 specific entries.
>>> They are
>>> deader than a door nail. The first TOC entry above this set of five
>>> entries
>>> is an active hyperlink and the first TOC entry below this group of 5 is
>>> also an
>>  active
>>> hyperlink.
>>> I have done the following:
>>> 1.      Deleted this specific text in the book and re-entered it.
>>> 2.      Confirmed that there is no override to any of these tags -
>>  the
>>> text is EquationCaption w/out any overrides (No asterisk is showing
>>> for
>>  them.)
>>> 3.      Turned on all conditional text settings and generated the
>>  book
>>> to check and see if there was something buried in the hidden text
>>> that was causing the issue, but even w/ all the conditions
>>> turned on, I still
>>  have
>>> the issue.
>>> 4.      Added the same kind of tag (an Equation Caption) directly
>>  above
>>> and directly below the section of five that are giving me fits and
>>> regenerated and the tag above and below are indeed hyperlinks but these
>>> 5
>>> remain stubbornly dead.
>>> 5.      All the equations are PDFs in this book, so I assumed that
>>  maybe
>>> there was a graphic issue, so I deleted the five relevant
>>> graphics and regenerated and again, the links are still dead.
>>> I am at a loss at this point. It is just this one small
>>> section in an otherwise large and graphic-laden manual, so
>>> there's nothing common
>>  about
>>> this issue that I can compare to other sections in this book
>>> as no
>>  other
>>> sections are giving me this problem.
>>> I would welcome any and all suggestions, insight, etc.
>>> Regards,
>>> TVB
>>> Tammy Van Boening
>>> Tammy dot vanboening at spectrumwritingllc dot com
>> [1]<>
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