Martin Aspeli wrote:
Hi guys,

I'm quite intrigued by the AJAX discussion going on, and I'd like it to be left alone to play out for a little while longer, but I'm also struggling to understand it and put it in context. I'm guessing others may feel the same.

So I thought, why not offer an "AJAX challenge". Let's list a few things we'd like to do with AJAX in Plone, such as an AJAX navtree, a better LiveSearch and limi's ÜbserSelectionWidget idea, drag-and-drop folder re-ordering, drag-and-drop copy/move of objects, in-place editing of Archetypes fields or tab-switching without reloading the page (those are the big ones I can think of now, anyway). Then we'll invite proponents of various approaches to submit some information on how they'd solve one or a few or all of those with their solution of choice, and ask some tough questions, around i18n, l10n, ability to fall back on a non-JS version, what the developer needs to learn, how hard it will be to customise templates using these types of features, how much it would add to the download of a plone page in added JS etc.

I'm hoping for something more than "look at this vaguely related code in svn" because that puts all the work of putting the pieces back together on the reader, and I don't think we'll get enough people understanding it well enough for that to be effective. However, we also wouldn't need full working implementations, just enough background and informed guessing that we can make an informed decision.

Do you think this is a good idea? How would you like to conduct it? Is this a potentially useful role for the framework team to play when there are important descisions to be made like these that perhaps not everyone fully understands?
it's worth a try. I would say your role is to facilitate making your later decision easier. in that light what I'd suggest is put it those doing ajax (ben, gotcha, florian, rocky, etc) and let them run the challenge (since I think we probably want them working together to figure out where their approaches complement and overlap since the problem being solved are not exactly interchangeable). It encourages collaboration, and those doing js will hopefully arrive at the same conclusion at the end of how things should work.

then all you have to do is rate the quality of the work that comes in having delegated the decision to those with expertise.

just my .02



| david "whit" morriss | | contact :: "If you don't know where you are, you don't know anything at all" Dr. Edgar Spencer, Ph.D., 1995

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Christian Heimes, 2004

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