whit wrote:
> Martin Aspeli wrote:
>> Hi guys,
>> I'm quite intrigued by the AJAX discussion going on, and I'd like it
>> to be left alone to play out for a little while longer, but I'm also
>> struggling to understand it and put it in context. I'm guessing others
>> may feel the same.
>> So I thought, why not offer an "AJAX challenge". Let's list a few
>> things we'd like to do with AJAX in Plone, such as an AJAX navtree, a
>> better LiveSearch and limi's ÜbserSelectionWidget idea, drag-and-drop
>> folder re-ordering, drag-and-drop copy/move of objects, in-place
>> editing of Archetypes fields or tab-switching without reloading the
>> page (those are the big ones I can think of now, anyway). Then we'll
>> invite proponents of various approaches to submit some information on
>> how they'd solve one or a few or all of those with their solution of
>> choice, and ask some tough questions, around i18n, l10n, ability to
>> fall back on a non-JS version, what the developer needs to learn, how
>> hard it will be to customise templates using these types of features,
>> how much it would add to the download of a plone page in added JS etc.
>> I'm hoping for something more than "look at this vaguely related code
>> in svn" because that puts all the work of putting the pieces back
>> together on the reader, and I don't think we'll get enough people
>> understanding it well enough for that to be effective. However, we
>> also wouldn't need full working implementations, just enough
>> background and informed guessing that we can make an informed decision.
>> Do you think this is a good idea? How would you like to conduct it? Is
>> this a potentially useful role for the framework team to play when
>> there are important descisions to be made like these that perhaps not
>> everyone fully understands?
> it's worth a try.
> I would say your role is to facilitate making your later decision easier.
> in that light what I'd  suggest is put it those doing ajax (ben, gotcha,
> florian, rocky, etc) and let them run the challenge (since I think we
> probably want them working together to figure out where their approaches
> complement and overlap since the problem being solved are not exactly
> interchangeable).    It encourages collaboration, and those doing js
> will hopefully arrive at the same conclusion at the end of how things
> should work.
> then all you have to do is rate the quality of the work that comes in
> having delegated the decision to those with expertise.

For the record, I support this idea.  But WRT to my own ajax experiences
 I'd like to say that I didn't have a lot of time to spend figuring out
which ajax library I liked the best and for the simple things I did in
Ploneboard it didn't seem like any of the libraries would do much more
than save me 1 or 2 lines of code, so I did most stuff manually.

So I'm just as eager to hear the outcome of this discussion as you all :)

- Rocky

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