
I'm happy to take a couple, at least. I suggest we have one person in charge of each bundle, who does some initial review, posts back to the list to tell people good points and bad points and explains where to look to understand what's going on, and then we can discuss, argue, fight and vote.

Would you mind getting started on the list (I'm at work atm...)? I think starting with plone.org/roadmap and then matching to bundles in /review (note - the easycommenting bundle is in the collective, see the link on the PLIP).

We can probably just do dibs :)


On 8/29/06, Wichert Akkerman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Previously Martin Aspeli wrote:
> I know Wichert is away for 5 days, and Vincenzo is on holiday (until the
> middle/end of the week?). I'd be nice if we could come up with a process,
> though.

I'm here for another 5 or 6 hours still (minus some last minute
shopping). What I wanted to do today is make a list of all the review
bundles we currently have and mail that out to plone-announce and
plone-developers with a statement to the effect that those are the
bundles we will be reviewing and thanking their submitters.

We have until September 25 to review all the bundles. Perhaps we should
try to divide the work a bit so everyone reviews a few bundles and we'll
discuss the findings? And make sure people won't be reviewing their own
bundles :)


Wichert Akkerman < [EMAIL PROTECTED]>    It is simple to make things.
http://www.wiggy.net/                   It is hard to make things simple.

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