Hi folks,

first, with respect to the process: I agree with Martin that
each of us should take responsibility for about three PLIPs.
I also support the proposal to have a comment trail in the
bundle. Let's agree on a common name for the file: I propose
to call it: REVIEW-COMMENTS.txt (or stx?) and have it
in plain text (or rather structured text?). Other suggeetions?

Now, here is what's most appealing to me (i.e., which I offer to take
responsibility for):

- PLIP 112 - XML Import / Export
- PLIP 148 - Move to CMF 2.1
- PLIP 172 - Wiki syntax support for all content

furthermore I offer Martin to help review in detail

- PLIP 119 - Contextual help

Other comments from me at the moment: I think

- PLIP 8 - Versioning
- PLIP 122 - Edit-in-place mode for all basic field types
- PLIP 145 - Locking
- PLIP 168 - integrate iterate for checkin/checkout/staging

should be looked at in concert if possible because I'm afraid there
might be some incompatiblities to deal with (at least Kapil told me
once that he had problems in iterate with my locking approach)

Last but not least, I agree with what has been said about Bling/KSS/AZAX,
namely that we should strive for an early decision and merger. Basically
all UI improvements are stuck at the moment because it's not clear what
to base an implementation upon (e.g., our locking stuff could benefit a lot
from more responsiveness/asynchronous updates but the only AJAX part
we've put in there up to now was implemented at the lowest possible
level which I would not like to repeat).

So much from me for now,


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