At this moment there are a few items holding up a beta1 release;

- five.localsitemanager needs to be modified to handle the internal
  API so KSS views work again. Rocky is going to look at that this

- it is currently impossible to remove a plone site: when items in the
  site are going to be deleted the site itself has already going, which
  makes getUtility explode

- wicked does not handle the default frontpage. Whit is going to look
  at that this weekend

- CMF 2.1 does not have a release yet

- getToolByName gives us a lot of deprecation warnings. We can do two
  things: undeprecate getToolByName in plone 3.0, deprecate in 3.5 and
  remove in 4.0. Or fix all getToolByNames in 3.0. This is doable with
  some effort.

The last one is a decision that we need to make.

It will take a couple of days for this to settle down, I'm leaving for a
week of snowboarding tomorrow evening, so here is my proposal: we delay
the beta a bit further to Monday, March 19. At that point I'll make a
decision on deprecating or undeprecating getToolByName and make a
release based on whatever product and package releases exist at that

It's a shame we have to postpone the beta further, but the CMF changes
require some important change in our codebase that need to be finished.


Wichert Akkerman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>    It is simple to make things.                   It is hard to make things simple.

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