Hi guys,

I believe Jens merged, and we now have some interesting side-effects...

- Until a few moments ago, we couldn't create or delete a Plone site TTW, because it's trying to look up getUtility(ISite) without a context (in the creation case) or after the site's gone (in the delete case).

I fixed it, but I'm not sure my fixes are ideal: http://dev.plone.org/plone/changeset/13599 and http://dev.plone.org/archetypes/changeset/7652

 - All our action icons are gone. The control panel is no longer so pretty.

- I have a few test failures. At least a few of them seem related to ComponentLookupErrors.

- By jebus, there are a lot of deprecation warnings now! Log output during testing is pretty much useless, and it's hard to see failures. Log files also grow very quickly in use.

I am all for people moving to getUtility(), and I think we should be able to squash these in Plone. But, bear in mind that a lot of third party products will keep on using getToolByName() for a while, and we don't want people's log files to explode, or the rash of messages to hide other, less repetitive messages.

I think we should strongly consider either patching or lobbying for getToolByName() to not log the same error (e.g. from the same tool) more than once by default.

I'm very glad this branch is in - before the beta - but I don't exactly feel like we're much closer to beta at this point. :-) Hopefully, there are just a few strategic places that have to be changed, and Hanno's already started doing some great work on this. I'm going to bail, unfortunately, since I'm on holiday with uncertain internet until the 21st starting Friday, but, you know. :p


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