
I also think we should avoid the context switch to the ZMI. We were advocating this all the time. I think we should have a site configuration like we have now and another one for advanced stuff. The advanced one should have a big warning like "Be sure you know what you do here, or you will shoot yourself in the foot. We decided to not hide the gun, but we warn you about it's use!". I certainly wouldn't care about a policy to move configuration to the ZMI just because it's more complex for stuff I do.

I know giving people to many options is bad, that's why I think there should be a difference for standard configuration and advanced configuration.

I also think optilude has a point in providing some configuration only via local utilities to the developer. But this should be done in a sane way and not require overrides.zcml or something like that. It should just be a matter of subclassing aan existing utility, change some variables and register it locally for the site it should be used for.

Florian Schulze

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