hi guys,

i'm afraid i'm pretty much swamped with work- and family obligations until february 12th when i'll return from the GSM World trade fair in barcelona. until then i'm daily at a client where we are prepping a (plone based!) demo app for the tradeshow and/or at home looking after the kids while my wife is at her new job.

i'll try to squeeze in some review time if i can, but truth be told, most evenings i'm just too shattered after a full day of coding and conferencing to fire up buildout. i am however, for instance, extremely interested in florian's jquery plip and i will definitely have a look at that *before* the 12th just out of pure curiosity ;-)

my apologies for not being able to keep the deadline,



On 31.01.2008, at 12:13, Andreas Zeidler wrote:

On Jan 31, 2008, at 11:47 AM, Martijn Pieters wrote:
On 30. jan.. 2008, at 01.44, Andreas Zeidler wrote:
* martijn, when will you be able to work on this again? and do you have any preferences about what plips you'd like to review?

No preferences, I can do reviews next week. Right now the aftermath of the move is still swamping me; lack of network connectivity is but a tiny part of the problem, it's the mountain of tasks to get the house in order that I have to worry about right now.. ;-)

tom, danny, what about you? could you give us an update of your status and estimate when you're gonna be able to do the reviews, please? the original deadline is the day after tomorrow and we haven't had any word from you about which plips you'd like to review and when...



zeidler it consulting - http://zitc.de/ - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
friedelstraße 31 - 12047 berlin - telefon +49 30 25563779
pgp key at http://zitc.de/pgp - http://wwwkeys.de.pgp.net/
plone 3.0.5 released! -- http://plone.org/products/plone

Tom Lazar

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