On Feb 7, 2008, at 1:01 AM, Martin Aspeli wrote:
Once you post your reviews (here?) what happens? How does the team arrive at a final yes/no vote? How long does that take?

hmm, i can't decide on these, of course, but i'd still like to try and get at least two reviews per PLIP. in case the reviews don't reveal major issues or otherwise warrant further discussion, i think that should do. every member of the team should read all of the submitted review notes and formally vote on the inclusion of the PLIP in question, though. with the deadline on the 16th and a sunday following that i reckon it should be easy enough for everyone to cast their votes by monday. in case not, could you please tell us asap?

otherwise we should have a complete set of votes by monday night, at which point i'll post the verdict or rather the recommendations of the framework team. that should leave enough time for merging and last- minute polishing before the alpha freeze, which will presumably be on february 22nd now (assuming we're gonna shift the whole schedule by two weeks).

does that sound alright with everyone?

For 3.0, each reviewer posted a thread here with the necessary comments, including good points, bad points and recommendations.

i guess that's what the trac tickets were created for — the reviewers are supposed to update those with links to their notes, and i've cc'ed the authors when creating them. hmm, i guess that's assuming everyone had put their email address into their trac settings, but i'll make sure to cc everyone again when sending out the results on monday.

We then reported back to the author (usually by just CC'ing them on the framework team list threads) and they were told either that it was rejected, or to make the necessary changes (if any) and prepare for merge. Wichert took the final decision on whether to merge or not.

that makes sense, of course, and imho we should keep it like that.

As a learning point, we (I) should have written down our process properly and handed it over better.

i suppose that would have helped a bit here and there, but most of the problems we were seeing were due to lack of time anyway.

I apologise for not doing this, relying on doing it verbally and letting you guys (especially Andreas) come up with your own take without too much guidance.

no biggie — the important bit was to identify this during the summit, which will hopefully make sure things work better next time.



ps: sorry for answering so late, btw.

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