On Feb 14, 2008, at 1:22 PM, Martin Aspeli wrote:

otherwise we should have a complete set of votes by monday night, at
which point i'll post the verdict or rather the recommendations of
the framework team.  that should leave enough time for merging and
last-minute polishing before the alpha freeze, which will presumably
be on february 22nd now (assuming we're gonna shift the whole
schedule by two weeks).

does that sound alright with everyone?

+1 from me

That doesn't make sense, does it?

my +1 was merely referring to shifting the schedule by two weeks, i wasn't aware of any inconsistencies in the first schedule.

i don't think it makes any sense to condense the schedule to 'make up for time', especially not if it means that the plip authors are the ones to suffer from it.



If you give final votes/recommendations on Monday the 18th of
February, and then you want to merge and freeze by Friday the 22nd,
that leaves ... four days for people to react to your recommendations?
That's insane!

You need to at least give a weekend in-between. I thought that there
were at least two weeks beteween final votes/recommended changes and
final merges. Just deciding whether people have actually implemented
the recommended changes and making the final decision to merge will
take a few days.

I don't think you can realistically freeze the alpha before March 3rd
if you want all the packages in for the freeze.


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