On Sun, Nov 23, 2008 at 00:33, Steve McMahon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Shall we set up a private list? (I can do that.) We could make Andi
> and Martin owners and they could approve subscriptions. (If there is a
> dispute over subscriptions, it could be appealed to the current
> framework team.) When a decision's made, we could delete the list --
> or open it and repurpose it as the Plone 4 FWT list.

I'd delete the list afterwards; I believe the discussion should be
frank, and thus should be closed and not archived for general use

The Plone 3.x and Plone 4 teams will be operating in parallel for a
while, so maybe a separate list at that time is an option. Current
Plone 3.x team communications are low key enough though that I don't
think sharing the list will be a problem.

> If it's agreeable to everyone, Jon Stahl and I could be on the list to
> be available as facilitators and errand runners, but without votes.

I'm sure that would be very helpful. However, since I am a nominee I
can't really comment on that since I won't be part of the list. :-)

Martijn Pieters

Framework-Team mailing list

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