Jens W. Klein wrote:
> In your PLIPs you wrote i.e. here 
> to remove parts out of "Plone the Product". I fully agree to remove 
> features from the core! 
> But I think if we do so, there should be a set of "Managed Plone 
> Products". Important add-ons like LinguaPlone or the removed parts should 
> get in a "managed by the Plone [Foundation|Team X]" state.


> If current teams structure is not sufficient for this task, we could 
> introduce a new "Add-On Team". 

I think none of the current teams or structures we have is able to do
the job of maintaining a list of recommended / proven / better /
whatever list.

There have been numerous discussions around this topic and various ideas
on how to solve this (community rating, automatic metrics,
self-certified criteria, ...) but so far there is neither a consensus
nor someone dedicated to own the task.

I'd very much welcome if someone would step up for this, but I'm not
willing to have this block the removal of unmaintained code anymore ;)


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