+1 to everything but the format of your mail (entire paragraph in one line) ;-)

Also, in addition to "helping" PLIP implementors to document their features
(which I think is a good idea), and the return of the UI team (another good 
how about documenting and publishing the FWT process?
(E.g. Something like http://admin.plone.org/)

I've heard rumblings that Hanno was going to do this…

("Contribute Code" on https://dev.plone.org/plone is linked to a 404 — 


On 2010-05-22, Eric Steele <ems...@psu.edu> wrote:
> FWT!
> I want to introduce two additions to the PLIP process that I'd like us to add 
> into the Plone 4.1 process.
> UI:
> I'm pleased to announce that Plone now (finally/once-again?) has a UI Team. 
> Alex will be heading up the effort alongside Geir Baekholt, Denys Mishunov, 
> Sisi Nutt, and Nathan Van Gheem. I've asked them to serve as a non-blocking 
> vote on each PLIP, providing a group response to each submission. Their goal 
> will be to judge the UI elements of submitted PLIPs for consistency, 
> usability, accessibility, and general saneness. This should give FWT members 
> more time to focus on the underlying codebase. My hope is that the UI team 
> will also be able to serve as a resource for PLIP implementers before and 
> during the implementation phase, providing input on UI matters as needed.
> Documentation:
> In an effort to reduce the amount of time the Documentation Team needs to 
> spend chasing down implementers for documentation, Israel is asking that we 
> try to get as much of that taken care of during the PLIP process as we can. 
> Essentially, we'd require that implementers submit full docs (not necessarily 
> required to be well-written, but concept-complete) with their final code 
> implementation. Assistance from the doc team will be available.
> I think we can get the majority of this content up front if we enforce proper 
> proposal structure (something we were lax on in 4.0). I'd also like to 
> recommend that structure be expanded to include:
>       What existing documentation will need to be updated?
>       What new documentation will need to be created?
>       Will this require migration documentation?
> Ideally, the implementers would create the documentation directly in PHC, in 
> the correct place, in 'private' workflow state. If updating documentation, 
> implementers would duplicate the current document and edit the copy. The Docs 
> Team will weigh in with their opinion of its status, to apprise the Framework 
> Team of the implementers' compliance with this requirement.
> I believe Steve will be revving up the process for selecting the 4.x team in 
> the near future. It's my hope that with these two new additions, we can 
> continue to improve our process and reduce the strain on our new team.
> Eric

Alex Clark · http://aclark.net
Author of Plone 3.3 Site Administration · http://aclark.net/plone-site-admin

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