On Wed, Aug 18, 2010 at 5:21 PM, Martin Aspeli <optilude+li...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 19 August 2010 09:20, Martin Aspeli <optilude+li...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On 19 August 2010 06:47, Geir Bækholt <pl...@baekholt.com> wrote:
>>> On 18-08-2010 08.07, Martin Aspeli wrote:
>>>>>         • 10778 (Stand-alone UUID)
>>>> I think my reason for wanting it in the core, is twofold:
>>>>   - There's a proliferation of half-solutions to this problem right
>>>> now. We need something blessed that people feel safe relying on. There
>>>> is a cost associated with each half-solution in terms of catalogue
>>>> bloat and in terms of confusion.
>>> We have repeatedly had frustration with the lack of a unified UID system
>>> that we can depend on when writing add-ons. To base something on it as a
>>> developer, you need to know you can depend on it being available always.
>>> I don't think it makes sense to postpone it "because nothing uses it yet".
>> Right - I think it becomes a bit of a "chicken and egg" problem otherwise.
> Also: If we do the PLIP to separate out link-by-UID and similar
> transforms, that's a natural candidate to use these UUIDs. :)

Though I voted against the inclusion of the UUID PLIP on it's own, if
the link-by-uuid PLIP makes good use of it, then it certainly could be
worth including.  If there were a PLIP to make AT compatible with this
implementation and convert Plone to using it, that would be a highly
compelling argument for its inclusion.  Otherwise we end up with Plone
directly using one non-deprecated UID API while promoting another
(which happens to not be useful anywhere within Plone itself).  Don't
we already suffer from enough of this kind of framework-level

By including this wouldn't we essentially be saying, "Martin made
this, and we think it's a nice thing; so now it's part of the core?"
What other nice little libraries should we make part of Plone just
because they might be useful to some developers or are used by a few
add-ons that we happen to like?  I'm sure we could think of quite a
few, but I also think there's a good reason we don't generally do

Adopting a library that we don't actually use, promotes a vision of
Plone as a pure framework/toolkit that I'm not entirely comfortable
with.  Plone is an application (though a highly extensible one), and I
don't really think we should be in the business of providing APIs
beyond those consumed by it and those used to customize it.

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