Le 18/08/10 19:01, David Glick a écrit :
> Godefroid, I am definitely interested to learn from your experience in
> this area. Regarding functional testing of Javascript, would you
> recommend looking at KSS to see how it is done there, or are there newer
> best practices that have emerged since those tests were written?

I think KSS testing practices are OK.

Browse to


Then click "Run all tests"

However, we miss continuous integration.

I am procrastinating since a long time to refactor KSS buildout and add 
a builbot buildout. I guess it should not be that hard today (compared 
to the hell it was) when I sum up advances in Selenium RC, buildbot and 

I would definitely take a look at gocept.selenium. Gocept has worked a 
lot on it those last monthes so I guess if fits their workflow.

Christian, would someone from your team mind to give us some feedback ?

Godefroid Chapelle (aka __gotcha) http://bubblenet.be

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