Le 19/08/10 22:44, Eric Steele a écrit :

> I wrote a new layer, mainly because I wanted to figure out how it all worked. 
> I've put up a quick screencast of the whole thing in action, if anyone's 
> interested. http://blip.tv/file/4023258
> Basically Hudson controls a Selenium Grid which doles out requests to the 
> requested browsers based on RC instance availability. The testcase layer 
> accepts environment variables for ZServer host/port and Selenium 
> host/port/browser. I've created one job per browser (Firefox and Safari in 
> the screencast), passing in a new port and browser string environment var in 
> each. Selenium Grid will pass the request along to the first available RC 
> instance with that browser identifier and that'll hit the one-off ZServer 
> created by the testcase.
> We should be able to kick off each of these jobs after the Plone 4 build runs 
> and AFAIK they'll run simultaneously without issue.
> The one thing I'm missing at the moment is preventing them from running 
> during normal test runs, but David's shown me a way forward on that.
> Eric

Thanks for the screencast !

It's great you went there. I look forward trying it myself.

Is your layer available somewhere ?

Godefroid Chapelle (aka __gotcha) http://bubblenet.be

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