On 13 September 2010 06:51, Hanno Schlichting <ha...@hannosch.eu> wrote:
> On Mon, Sep 13, 2010 at 12:35 AM, Alexander Limi <l...@plone.org> wrote:
>> Do we expect Plone 4.1 / Zope 2.13 to be using Python 2.7 by default? (makes
>> sense to me, but not sure if it has other implications that I'm unaware of)
> See 
> http://svn.plone.org/svn/plone/buildouts/plone-coredev/branches/4.1/plips/plip10776-zope213.txt
> where it says:
> Not in scope
> ------------
> While Zope 2.13 supports both WSGI and Python 2.7 it is not part of this PLIP
> to support either of them. Support for these might be added in Plone 4.2.
> In order to support Python 2.7 properly, there's more work to be done
> and this really needs more testing. I know of some buildout recipes
> that aren't compatible yet and I expect other commonly used libraries
> to need some minor updates. I'd rather see the community try it out
> and fix the problems one by one before we claim official support for
> it.

While I would like to see Python 2.7 compatibility in a later Plone
4.x release, I would be uncomfortable requiring it during the 4.x line
without very good reason - Python2.7 is still new and only just being
picked up by distributions (Ubuntu 10.04 LTS does not include it for
instance). Being able to run Plone with a vendor supplied python makes
deployment much simpler.

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